Top 5 Must Haves for Summer
Summer is almost here and it’s time to prep yourself for summer boredom.
Here are my top 5 products you need to beat summer boredom:
ARCHI-TECH ELECTRONIC SMART HOUSE helps to be creative and learn a new job skill for architects and engineers. A YEAR IN THE FOREST MEMORY GAME helps to working their memory and having fun doing it. ACROSS THE USA ACTIVITY BOOK helps by drawing, playing, and learning their way across the USA!
CAN YOU ESCAPE THE VIDEO GAME? helps by using an interest of children and the children using their thinking brains while having fun.
THE SHINE-A-LIGHT HUMAN BODY helps by having the children discover secrets of the human body in a beautiful, educational, and fun way.
I’d love to know which PaperPie products are your ‘must haves’ for the Summer Months.